Piloting Activities in Genova, Italy

The aim of Genoa Pilot was to experiment with new forms of interactive communication to and from citizens in order to improve their involvement in territorial planning with the aim of minimizing the risk of flooding. Therefore, the Genoa Pilot focused only on “Peacetime” and not on emergency procedures, testing the portal, the Social Media Component (SMC), the Semantic Wiki (SW), the Citizen Direct Feedback (CDF) and the mobile application (APP).

The Genoa team has tested the project’s tools to support a policy of awareness and education on the risks, effects and impacts of floods. The portal, the SMC, the CDF, the APP and the Semantic Wiki have been tested within a wider local management that already has its own devices, but that is constantly looking for improvement methodologies. Furthermore, the Municipality of Genoa considers it a priority to identify as many tools as possible to involve most of the targets. The education to the use of ITC tools, in order to active citizen participation in the environmental risks prevention, was the framework that the working group held throughout the project.

You can find more activities and results from this Pilot at the following links:

Workshop in Genova
Flood-serv: preventing and reducing the effects of the flood
Genoa and the pre-testing phase of the ICT platform
Presentation of the Genoa Pilot at Marsano Istituto
Workshop in Genova, Italy