The Bratislava Water Company and the Bratislava Self-Governing Region are part of the international project “Public Flood Emergency and Awareness Service”, linking local and national alarm systems with social networks as well. The county will receive 65,000 euros to launch the project, and volunteer reporting will be part of the alert system.
In this unique project will be the possibility of creating a direct communication channel between the water company and the designated persons in the area affected by the floods. The Bratislava Water Company will also obtain the necessary information on the development and prediction of a possible flood situation in order to ensure the available technical measures to minimize the risks. “The aim of the FLOOD-serv project is to develop, test and then put into practice a unique innovative warning system that will be distributed throughout the world after testing. The Bratislava Self-Governing Region has minimum two experiences with centuries-old water in the last 6 years. Whether in 2011 in Pila village or in 2013 in Bratislava.
It is our moral duty to engage in any activity that can escape such disasters and warn people. We are able to protect not only the property but also the lives of the peoples, “said Mr. Pavol Frešo, the president of the Bratislava Self-governing Region.”
The original article is in Slovak and you can find it here.