Written by Lorenzo Alfieri, Luc Feyen, Peter Salamon, Jutta Thielen, Alessandra Bianchi, Francesco Dottori, and Peter Burek, the article mentions that “_River floods generate a large share of the socio-economic impact of weather-driven hazards worldwide. Continue reading “Research article “Modelling the socio-economic impact of river floods in Europe””

Heavy rains caused big floods in Europe from France to Ukraine, leaving 18 reported dead victims and thousands of people that needed to flee their houses.

Floods still leave governments unprepared, even though scientists and researchers regularly warn about the consequences of climate change, as there is growing likelihood that the warming climate will make bouts of flooding and other extreme weather more frequent. Continue reading “Copernicus “Floods in Europe are not surprising for the scientists””

River and coastal flooding have affected millions of people in Europe in the last decade. They affect human health through drowning, heart attacks, injuries, infections, exposure to chemical hazards, psychosocial consequences as well as disruption of services, including health services. Continue reading “European Environment Agency “Floods and health””

Search teams in the Bavarian town of Simbach am Inn found the bodies of three people who had been trapped in a house and a woman was found dead by a nearby stream. In central France an 86-year-old woman lost her life. Continue reading “BBC News “At least five people died in flooding across France and Germany in June 2016””